The first part of the talk will be a short introduction the history of
the study of Riemann's zeta function giving necessary (and, hopefully,
sufficient) background for understanding the rest of the talk.
The main part will be devoted to methods for calculating approximate
values of the non-trivial zeros of Riemann's zeta functions, its
values and values of its first derivative inside and outside
the critical strip.
These methods have been recently discovered by the author in the
course of intensive numerical calculations, and so far there is no
theoretical explanation of them.
The obtained numerical data allows one to state a number of
conjectures about the zeta function including new (so far,
hypothetical) relationship between its zeros and prime numbers.
More information about that ongoing research can be found at
http://logic.pdmi.ras.ru/~yumat/personaljournal/artlessmethod Доклад проходит в рамках конференции “Zeta functions”
и потому будет прочитан на английском языке.