Seminar by I. Ya. Aref'eva "Perspective directions in quantum field theory and superstrings"
June 3, 2024 16:00–16:45, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Room 303 (8 Gubkina)
Introducing local quenches in massive scalar field theory
A. I. Belokon |
We will study operator local quenches in the simplest extension to the non-conformal case
— massive scalar field theory. We consider the dynamics of excited local states in an
arbitrary spacetime dimension and generalize the well-known two-dimensional CFT results.
We derive the energy density, U(1)-charge density and $\phi^2(x)$-condensate post-quench
dynamics, and identify different regimes of their evolution depending on the values of the
field mass and the UV regularization parameter. For local quenches in higher-dimensional
free massless scalar theories, we reproduce the structure of the available holographic
results. We also investigate the local quenches in massive scalar field theory on a cylinder
and show that they cause an erratic and chaotic-like evolution of observables with a
complicated localization-delocalization pattern.
Language: English