Scientific seminar of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Smolensk State University
June 24, 2024 15:30–16:30, Smolensk, SmolSU, Physics&Mathematics Faculty, 2 corp., 230
On the proximity of distributions of successive sums on convex sets and in
the Prokhorov metric
A. Yu. Zaitsev St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Let $X_1$, $X_2$, ... be independent identically distributed random
vectors in a $d$-dimensional Euclidean space with distribution $F$. Then
$S_n=X_1+...+X_n$ has distribution $F^n$ (degrees of measures are
understood in the sense of convolution). Let $R(F,G)=\sup|F(A)-G(A)|$,
where the supremum is taken over all convex subsets of $d$-dimensional
Euclidean space. Then for any nontrivial distributions $F$ there is $c(F)$
depending only on $F$ and such that $R(F^n,F^{n+1})$ does not exceed
$c(F)$ divided by the square root of $n$, for any natural $n$. A
distribution $F$ is considered trivial if it is concentrated on an affine
hyperplane that does not contain the origin. It is clear that for such $F$
we have $R(F^n,F^{n+1})=1$.
A similar result is also obtained for the Prokhorov distance between the
distributions of vectors $S_n$ and $S_{n+1}$ normalized by the square root
of $n$. Moreover, the statement remains true for arbitrary distributions,
including trivial ones.