Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
November 16, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU, auditorium 16-24
Lomonosov Papers
Mathematical models of transport systems
E. V. Bulinskaya, L. G. Afanas'eva M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
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The talk concentrates on the mathematical models of transport systems investigated by authors during the last two years. Namely, we consider highways without traffic lights with two types of cars, crossroads with traffic lights and unregulated ones, highways with traffic lights and transport networks. The main objects of study are transport flows properties, ergodic theorems, optimization of traffic lights performance, heavy-traffic situations, estimation of systems capacity.
[1] L.Afanasyeva, E.Bulinskaya. Estimation of Transport Systems Capacity.
Abstracts of Internationel Conference "Traffic and Granular Flow'11"
Moscow, Russia, September-October, 2011, p.138-139.
[2] L.Afanasyeva, E.Bulinskaya. Stochastic models of transport flows. Communications in
Statistics: Theory and Methods, v. 40, N 16, pp. 2830-2846.
[3] L.Afanasyeva, E.Bulinskaya. Asymptotic analysis of traffic lights
performance under heavy-traffic assumption. Methodology and Computing in Applied
Probability (to be published).