Mathematical Colloquium of the Sobolev Institute of
May 11, 2023 16:30, Novosibirsk
Equations, fixed points, and nonclassical logics
S. P. Odintsovab a Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
b Novosibirsk State University
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A fixed point is a solution of an equation of the form
$p=\Phi(p,q,r,\dots)$, where $\Phi$ is an operator, $p$ is a variable,
and $q,r,\dots$ are parameters. The nature of the operator $\Phi$ and
the relation "$=$" may be different. In the case of modal logics,
$\Phi$ is a propositional formula with modal operators, and the relation
"$=$" turns into a logical equivalence $\lra$. The expression
$p\lra\Phi(p,q,r,\dots)$ itself is understood as a theorem of some modal
logic or as a formula true on some class of Kripke models. A fixed point
is called determinable if the solution of the modal equation is
expressible by a formula independent on $p$. The central line of
research of S. I. Mardaev, a bright representative of the Novosibirsk
school of non-classical logic, is the creation of the theory of
determinability of fixed points of modal operators.
The talk will give an accessible introduction to this problematic. A
general definition of logic as a closure operator on a completely free
algebra will be given, the notion of equivalent algebraic semantics will
be introduced, and Kripke semantics as a representation of a special
kind for algebraic models will be introduced. We will conclude with
examples of the most important results of S. I. Mardaev.
* The report is dedicated to Sergey Mardaev (06.04.1962-10.04.2013) |