October 27, 2022 11:00–12:00
Volume Conjecture and WKB Asymptotics
A. I. Aptekarev Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
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We consider q-difference equations for colored Jones polynomials. These polynomials are
invariants for the knots and their asymptotics plays an important role in the famous Volume
Conjecture (VC) for the complement of the knot to the 3-d sphere. We study WKB asymptotic
behavior of the $n$-th colored Jones polynomial at the point exp {$ {2\pi i/N}$} when $n$ and
$N$ tends to infinity and limit of $n/N$ belongs to [0, 1]. We state a Theorem on asymptotic
expansion of \underline{general solutions} of the q-difference equations. For the
\underline{partial solutions}, corresponding to the colored Jones polynomials, using some
heuristic and numeric consideration, we suggest a conjecture on their WKB asymptotics. For the
special knots under consideration, this conjecture is in accordance with the VC.
This is a joint work with Dmitrii Toulyakov and Tatyana Dudnikova. The work was done in
Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics (agreement with Ministry of Science and
Higher Education RF № 075-15-2022-283).