Complex Approximations, Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications Workshop
June 10, 2021 17:00–17:25, Section I, Sochi
On functions of finite analytical complexity
M. A. Stepanova Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
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An analytic function of two complex variables has finite complexity, if it is representable as a finite superposition of summation and analytic functions of one variable. The minimal possible depth of the superposition is called analytical complexity of the function. To the best of the speaker’s knowledge, explicit examples of functions of complexity $n$, except for the cases $n=0,1,2$ and infinity, were not known before. We will give examples of analytic functions and also polynomials of an arbitrary given finite complexity.
Language: English
* Zoom conference ID: 861 852 8524 , password: caopa |