Complex Approximations, Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications Workshop
June 10, 2021 15:00–15:25, Sochi
Discrete multiple orthogonal polynomials on shifted lattices
A. V. Dyachenko University of Konstanz
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There are many ways to define multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to the classical
continuous weights. Bearing in mind a deep connection between the classical discrete and
continuous orthogonality, we adapt to the discrete case the approach as
in [1-3] preserving a kind of the Rodrigues formula. Our work [4]
introduced a new class of polynomials of multiple orthogonality with respect to the product of
classical discrete weights on integer lattices with noninteger shifts.
This talk is devoted to further progress in this direction for the case of two measures. In
particular, we obtain coefficients for the four-term recurrence relations connecting polynomials
with indices on “diagonals” (including the “step line”). The initial conditions for these
relations are presented by semi-classical extensions of discrete orthogonal polynomials studied
in [5-7].
This is a joint work with Vladimir Lysov.
Language: English
* Zoom conference ID: 861 852 8524 , password: caopa |