V. A. Rohlin St. Petersburg Topology Seminar
May 27, 2020 17:15–19:00, St. Petersburg, Zoom channel 511 327 649
(Real) Lagrangian submanifolds
F. Schlenk Université de Neuchâtel
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Lagrangian submanifolds play an important role in classical
mechanics and symplectic topology. After recalling a few
results and problems on these submanifolds, I will restrict
on the special class of real Lagrangian submanifolds, namely
the fixed point sets of anti-symplectic involutions. I hope
to convince you by many examples that this is an interesting
class, and will then discuss two criteria for a Lagrangian
to be real, that are due to Joontae Kim and Joé Brendel.
Zoom channel 511 327 649,
password: the number of lines on a cubic surface.
Language: English