International conference "8th Russian-Armenian Workshop on Mathematical Physics, Complex Analysis and Related Topics"
September 20, 2019 14:45–15:25, Секция «Математическая физика»
Системы Хитчина с точки зрения метода разделения переменных
O. K. Sheinman , Moscow
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K. Gawedzki, P. Tran-Ngoc-Bich, “Hitchin systems at low genera”, J. Math. Phys, 41 (2000), arXiv: hep-th/9803101
I. Krichever, “Vector Bundles and Lax Equations on Algebraic Curves”, Commun. Math. Phys., 229 (2002), 229–269
O.K. Sheinman, Spectral curves of the hyperelliptic Hitchin systems, arXiv: 1806.10178 [math-ph] (submitted to Func. Analysis and Appl.)
P.I. Borisova, O.K. Sheinman, “Hitchin systems on hyperelliptic curves”, Proceedings of the Steklov Mathematical Institute (to appear)
P.I. Borisova, “Separation of variables for the type $D_l$ Hitchin systems on a hyperelliptic curve”, Russ. Math. Surv. (to appear)