Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
March 6, 2019 16:45–17:45, Moscow, MSU, auditorium 12-24
Stochastic Stefan-type Moving Boundary Problems
Marvin S. Mueller ETH, Zurich
Moving boundary problems allow to model macroscopic systems with phase transition
at an inner boundary. Recently, a stochastic and non-linear extension of the classical
Stefan-problem in one space dimension came up in economics and finance as a price-
time continuous model for the limit order book. More precisely, the dynamics on buy and
sell side in an electronic financial markets are modeled by respective second order
stochastic partial differential equations and are separated by an inner interface: the mid-
price. Existence and uniqueness has been discussed for certain specifications of the
problem, but is still an open question in many important setting. In this talk, we discuss
an analytic framework and the recent results for this class of stochastic partial
differential equations.
Language: English