Iskovskikh Seminar
January 24, 2019 18:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, room 530
On the rationality problem for del Pezzo fibrations of degree 4
K. V. Loginov |
Fibrations into del Pezzo surfaces naturally appear as one of the
outputs of the Minimal Model Program applied to a rationally connected
variety. Thus the rationality problem for a given variety sometimes
reduces to the rationality problem for a del Pezzo fibration. We
consider the case of the three-dimensional varieties over the field of
complex numbers. It is well known that if the degree of the generic
fiber is greater than 4 and the base is rational then the threefold is
rational. On the other hand, the rationality problem for low degree
fibrations is more complicated. Following the works of Alexeev and
Shramov, we consider the case of fibrations of degree 4.