In the presentation we will give nessesary definitions, a shot survey of “old” results and will formulate recently proved statements for the local theory of Deloney sets and their generalization.
Nikolay Dolbilin, “Delone Sets: Local Identity and Global Order”, Volume dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Professors Karoly Bezdek and Egon Schulte, Springer Contributed Volume on Discrete Geometry and Symmetry, Springer, 2017 (to appear) , arXiv: 1608.06842
N. P. Dolbilin, “Mnozhestva Delone v $R^3$: usloviya regulyarnosti”, Fundamentalnaya i prikladnaya matematika, 21:6 (2016)
Mikhail Bouniaev, Nikolai Dolbilin, “Regular and Multiregular $t$-Systems”, J. Inform. Proc., 25 (2017), 735–740
N. Dolbilin, M. Bouniaev, “Regular $t$-bonded Sets in $R^3$”, Volume dedicated to memory of Michel Deza, European Journal of Combinatorics, 2018 (to appear)