Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
December 6, 2017 16:45–17:45, Moscow, MSU, auditorium 12-24
Anderson-Darling statistic and another weighted Cramer-von Mises statistics
G. V. Martynov Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute), Moscow
For more than sixty years, Anderson-Darling statistic is one of the most popular in
applications among the Cramer-von-Mises goodness-of-t tests.This statistic modies the
classical empirical process in the interval $[0; 1]$ by multiplying it by a weighting function $\psi(t) = (t(1-t))^{1/2}$. The weighting function redistributes the test sensitivity to deviations
of the alternative distribution function from the hypothetical on different subsets of $[0,1]$.
In practice, the tests can be of interest having other weight functions. The paper proposes
new formulas for eigenfunctions of the Anderson-Darling statistics. Also, it was analyzed
a statistic "inverse" to the Anderson-Darling statistic with the weighting function $\psi(t)=
(t(1-t))1=2$. There was considered also another weighting functions. The proposed theory
is based on the use of various special functions. In practice, could be useful the Cramer-
von-Mises tests with weighting functions from the family $\psi(t) = t^\alpha(1-t)^\beta; \alpha>-1; \beta>
-1$. The paper contains a table of distribution for these statistics with different values
of the degrees $\alpha>-1$ and $\beta>-1$. The table was calculated by different methods with
good precision without using the statistical simulation. Shortly, must be considered the
problem of the testing the complex hypothesis and connections of the proposed theory
with the Riccaty equation.
The work was carried out at IITP RAS and supported by Russian Science Foundation
(grant RSF No. 14-50-00150).
Anderson, T. W., Darling, D. A. (1952) Asymptotic theory of certain "Goodness of
Fit" criteria based on stochastic processes. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics,
23, No. 2, pp. 193-212.
Deheuvels, P., Martynov, G. (2003) Karhunen-Loeve expansions for weighted Wiener
processes and Brownian bridges via Bessel functions. Progress in Probability, 55, 57{93.
Birkhauser, Basel/Switzerland.
Martynov Gennady (2016) Anderson-Darling statistic and its inverse. Journal of Com-
munications Technology and Electronics, 61. No. 6. P. 709-716.
Supplementary materials:
2017_12_06_Большой_семинар.pdf (95.8 Kb)