Iskovskikh Seminar
November 2, 2017 18:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, room 530
Families of algebraic varieties and towers of curves over finite fields
S. Yu. Rybakov Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
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A tower of algebraic curves is an infinite sequence of curves $C_n$ and
finite morphisms $C_n\to C_{n-1}$, where we assume that the genus of $(C_n)$
is unbounded.
I will speak about a new construction of towers of algebraic curves
over finite fields.
We begin with a family $X\to C$ of algebraic varieties over a projective
curve $C$ that is smooth over an open subset $U$.
The $i$-th derived étale direct image of the constant sheaf $Z/\ell^n
Z$ corresponds to a local system on $U$.
There is a fiberwise projectivisation of this local system, which is a
generically étale scheme $U_n$ over $U$.
We prove that under some strong technical conditions on the family $X$
the scheme $U_n$ is a geometrically irreducible algebraic curve over $U$.
Let $C_n$ be the smooth compactification of $U_n$. Then the curves $C_n$
form a tower. I will give examples of interesting towers of this sort.