June 8, 1999 15:15–16:15, Théorie des Groupes', Colloque International, Journées Solstice d'été 1999
Algebraic groups of automorphisms of polynomial rings
V. L. Popov Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Some general results on algebraic group actions, with a focus on linearizability,
are applied to constructing nonlinearazable actions of nonsolvable nonreductive groups
with fixed points and to proving that any algebraic action of a connected reductive algebraic
group $G$ on $n$-dimensional affine space over an algebraically closed field of characteristic
zero is linearizable in either of the cases:
(1) $n=3$;
(2) $n=4$ and $G$ is not a one or two dimensional torus.
Language: English