Iskovskikh Seminar
December 1, 2016 18:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, room 530
On the irrationality of surfaces in three-dimensional projective space
(following F. Bastianelli)
K. V. Loginov State University – Higher School of Economics
The degree of irrationality of an $n$-dimensional complex projective
manifold $X$ is the least number $k$ such that there exists a map of
degree $k$ from $X$ to the $n$-dimensional projective space. It is known
that the degree of irrationality can decrease if a manifold is
multiplied by a projective space. This gives a motivation to define a
notion of the stable degree of irrationality. In the talk it will be
proved that for a smooth surface $S$ of degree at least $5$ in the
three-dimensional projective space these two notions coincide. Also we
will describe the situations in which the irrationality degree drops
for surfaces that admit a dominant map to the surface $S$.