International conference "Algebraic Groups and Lie Groups" on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Vladimir L. Popov
October 4, 2016 12:40–13:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, room 530 (Gubkina 8)
Small representations in the exterior algebra of a simple Lie algebra: problems
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In the talk we shall review various problems and recall few results regarding the graded dimension
of the space ${\rm Hom}_{\mathfrak g}(V,\bigwedge{\mathfrak g})$, ${\mathfrak g}$ a simple Lie algebra over the complex numbers, $V$ a small irreducible ${\mathfrak g}$ module, and its structure as a module over the invariants $\bigwedge{\mathfrak g}^{\mathfrak g}$.
Language: English