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General Mathematics Seminar of the St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
July 10, 2003, St. Petersburg, POMI, room 311 (27 Fontanka)

When is the Fourier transform of an elementary function elementary?

Pavel Etingof

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Abstract: By an elemementary function on an n-dimensional complex vector space $V$ we will mean a complex-valued function of the form $f(x,h)=A(x)*\exp(i*\mathrm{Re}Q(x)/h)$, where $Q(x)$ is a rational function, h is a positive parameter, and $A(x)$ is a product of (complex) powers of polynomials of $x$ and powers their complex conjugates. Such a function can be considered as a distribution on $C^n$. We will study the following question: when is the Fourier transform of $f(x,h)$ also elementary for all values of $h$? The simplest example of this is the Gaussian $f(x)=\exp(i*\mathrm{Re}Q(x)/h)$, where $Q$ is a nondegenerate quadratic form, and we will be interested in studying other possible examples. First, by sending $h$ to zero and using the stationary phase method, one can derive a necessary condition of this (“the semiclassical condition”): the differential $dQ$ is a birational isomorphism between $V$ and $V^*$ (i.e. the inverse map to $dQ$ is rational). This is equivalent to saying that the Legendre transform of $Q$ is rational. It is clear that a homogeneous function $Q$ satisfying the semiclassical condition must be of degree 0 or 2; but this is certainly not sufficient. In fact, the problem of classification of homogeneous functions $Q$ satisfying the semiclassical condition is very interesting. For example, assume that $V=W+C$ (so $x=(y,t)$) and $Q(x)=f(y)/t$, where $f$ is an irreducible cubic polynomial on $W$. Then $W$ is the complexified space of 3 by 3 hermitian matrices over division rings $R$, $C$, $H$ or $O$ (so $\dim W$ is 6, 9, 15, or 27), and f is proportional to the the determinant polynomial. This is proved using a beautiful theorem of F. L. Zak on the classification of Severi varieties. On the other hand, one can show that any (Laurent) monomial in variables $x_1,\dots,x_n$ of degree 0 or 2 satisfies the semiclassical condition. So one may wonder which of such monomials $Q$ give rise to elementary functions $f$ with elementary Fourier transform, (assuming that $A$ is a product of powers of coordinates and powers of conjugare coordinates). In other words, which $Q$ satisfy the “quantum condition”?. The answer turns out to be unexpectedly interesting. For example, suppose that $Q=x_n^m/y_1^{m_1}\dots y_{n-1}^{m_{n-1}}$, where $m=m_1+\dots+m_{n-1}+2$. Then functions $f$ (i.e. choices of $A$) for which the Fourier transform of f is elementary are (up to scaling) in bijection with exact covering systems of type $(m_1,\dots,m_{n-1},1,1)$; we recall that an exact covering system of type $(p_1,\dots,p_k)$ is a covering of the group $Z/pZ$, where $p=p_1+\dots+p_k$, by cosets of $Z/p_kZ$, one copy of each (so $p_k$ should divide $p$ for such a system to exist). Thus, the monomial $x^3/y$ satisfies the quantum condition, while the monomial $x^5/y^3$ does not.
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