Elena N. Polyakhova, St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics Dept.
Presentation of new book of American professor in History of Mathematics Ronald S. Calinger “Leonhard Euler. Mathematical Genius in the Enlightenment”. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford
In the presented book the large review of Euler’s scientific works is done, Euler’s biographical events, a history of his family are collected and commented. Bibliographical references of Euler’s publications are given year by year, the large references index of scientific publications about Euler, Russian sources including.
In 2007 prof. Calinger visited St. Petersburg, where Congress to Memory of Euler-300 years was organized by Russian Academy of Sciences. In these days prof. Calinger visited the School located in the building where Euler’s family lived in 18-th century/ Prof. Calinger had sent his new published book to this school.