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Seminar on the History of Mathematics
January 7, 2016 18:00, St. Peterburg

Repression of Leningrad scientists in the blockade 1941-42

Shevelev S.B.
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Shevelev S.B.

Abstract: In the initial period of the war NKVD have formed in Leningrad a group of criminals-falsifiers, who has fabricated the "Committee of Public Salvation", which is allegedly ready to meet the Germans. Persons, with whom NKVD wanted to get even long ago, were arbitrary included into the structure of the fictional Committee: former Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Constitutional Democrats, the participants of protest demonstrations. Many representatives of the scientific intelligentsia were among them. A group of 5 people headed by Professor Leningrad University V.S. Ignatovsky was arrested and shot by the first. Professor L.G. Titov was killed as allegedly recruited as a spy; Head of Foreign Languages Department of the Polytechnic Institute Professor E.M.Superanskaya was presented as a messenger between the fictional underground and Germans and had also died ... Some simply died from the beatings. Of those members of the group who was sentenced to death, professor K.I. Strakhovich had been left alive, he was compelled to be signing "testimonies" fabricated by NKVD on more and more new scientists. According to this "testimony", a dean of mathematical-mechanical faculty professor N.V. Roze was arrested. Unable to withstand the torture, he slandered nine colleagues and died in prison from beatings. Professor N.S. Koshliakov who was arrested after these "testimonies", he under torture calumniated not 9, but 11 people. Together with professor Koshlyakov were arrested professors mathematician A.M. Zhuravsky and B.I. Izvekov. The last one had died during the investigation. Before the War NKVD had gathered the discrediting evidence on I.M. Superansky, the associate professor of Refrigeration Institute. When arrested, he slandered after several interrogations professors N.P. Vinogradov, L.V. Klimenko, Yushkov, E.G. Krotov. Krotov died on March 3, 1942. Professor Vinogradov had slandered more than 20, and an agent-informer turned out in his list. Professor Vinogradov had slandered more than 20, and an agent-informer turned out in his list. After re-interrogation Vinogradov refused of slander for 11 people. However, those who have already been arrested, either died or received 10-year sentences. Of the 32 scientists sentenced to death 15 people killed. When in the mid 50-s the falsifications were revealed, inspectors-criminals were expelled from the Party and dismissed from investigatory powers because of discreditable circumstances. Meanwhile, the informant-provoker, associate professor Evgeny Merkulov, by whose fault the people killed, still is on the list of the prominent scientists LITMO. Armenian Encyclopedia of fund "Hayazg" is proud of him. In Memory book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory he is listed as the deportee who was tormented in exile all 2 months. The search path of truth is not yet over.
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