Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
December 10, 2015 11:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Room 430 (8 Gubkina)
New results on Random Tensor Models
V. Rivasseau |
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We shall review recent results on the tensor track to quantum gravity. In particular we shall explain recent new results for random tensor models, obtained in collaboration with V. Bonzom, T. Delepouve and L. Lionni, showing interpolation between the branched polymers and 2d quantum gravity regimes.
Language: English
Valentin Bonzom, Thibault Delepouve, Vincent Rivasseau, Enhancing non-melonic triangulations: A tensor model mixing melonic and planar maps, arXiv: 1502.01365
Valentin Bonzom, Luca Lionni, Vincent Rivasseau, Colored triangulations of arbitrary dimensions are stuffed Walsh maps, arXiv: 1508.03805