Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
April 29, 2015, Moscow, MSU, auditorium 12-24
Stochastics and Fuzzy Information
Reinhard Viertl Vienna University of Technology
Besides variability there is another kind of uncertainty in statistical data, i.e. so-called fuzziness of all kind of data from continuous quantities. This and the uncertainty of a-priori knowledge in Bayesian inference makes it necessary to incorporate fuzziness in stochastics. A more general concept of probability, so-called fuzzy probability distributions seems to be the best up-to-date mathematical structure to model a-priori information. The combination of stochastic models and fuzzy models is suitable to analyze fuzzy data. Related statistical inference procedures will be explained.
Supplementary materials:
29_апреля_viertl.pdf (4.0 Mb)
Language: English