Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
February 25, 2015, Moscow, MSU, auditorium 12-24
Probability theory and statistics in school. The experience and perspectives
I. R. Vysotsky, A. A. Makarov, I. V. Yaschenko Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education
In accordance with requirements of the Federal Educational Standard since 2004 year the elements of probability theory and statistics are gradually introduced into school math curriculum. The workgroup leaded by Prof. Y.Tuyrin is developing the educational complex in probabilities for secondary and high common school. Starting in 2005 in Moscow and afterwards in other regions the vocational training courses for teachers had been launched on the direction "Probability Theory School Methodology". Simpliest problems on probability had been included into state exams on math for ninegraders in 2010 and for graduating students in 2012.
The Conception on Developing Mathematical Education adopted in December of 2013 states directly the priority of life-oriented school mathematics, first of all - probability theory and statistics.
Within the decade we have accumulated the valuable experience in the teachers' preparation, methodology and the curriculum developing.
The lecture is dedicated to the short survey of the present situation and perspectives of developing teaching probability theory and statistics in Russian school. The great attention is paid to the experience of Moscow. The special points in the lecture are issues of enlightment and popularization including Olympiad for students which is running on since 2008.
Вероятность_в_школе_2004_–_2015.pptx (8.0 Mb)
Supplementary materials:
Вероятность_в_школе.pdf (2.0 Mb)