Mathematical Methods of Cryptography
Preimage attack on 44-step MD4 compression function with weakened last step
O. S. Zaikinab a Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk
b Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk
The main component of the cryptographic hash function MD4 is a 48-step compression function. In 2007, a preimage of the 39-step MD4 compression function was found via CDCL — the main complete SAT solving algorithm. In 2022, a preimage of the 43-step MD4 compression function was found via the parallel SAT solving algorithm Cube-and-Conquer. In the present paper, 44-step compression function MD4 is studied such that the 44th step is weakened in different ways. Preimages of several such functions were found via Cube-and-Conquer. Based on these results, a runtime estimate of a preimage attack on the 44-step MD4 compression function is calculated.
cryptographic hash function, MD4, preimage attack, logical cryptanalysis, SAT.
O. S. Zaikin, “Preimage attack on 44-step MD4 compression function with weakened last step”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat. Suppl., 2024, no. 17, 90–93
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