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Optics and Spectroscopy, 2018, Volume 125, Issue 1, Pages 46–50
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21883/OS.2018.07.46265.5-18
(Mi os954)

This article is cited in 3 scientific papers (total in 3 papers)

Spectroscopy of condensed matter

Color and luminescence centers in LuAG and LuAG : Pr crystals before and after $^{60}$Co $\gamma$-irradiation

A. Kh. Islamova, E. M. Ibragimovaa, I. A. Khayitova, R. R. Vil'danovb, M. Z. Amonova

a Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
b National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100174, Uzbekistan
Full-text PDF (133 kB) Citations (3)
Abstract: The absorption and thermoluminescence spectra and their relaxation in pure and praseodymium-doped LuAG crystals are comparatively studied to determine the contribution of intrinsic and impurity defects before and after irradiation by $^{60}$Co $\gamma$-quanta with an average energy of 1.25 MeV, dose rate of 0.8 Gy/s, and dose of 10$^3$ Gy at 310 K. The existence of intrinsic $F^+$ defects with a typical absorption band at 375 nm and impurity Cr$^{4+}$ centers absorbing at 285, 420, 490, and 595 nm in both LuAG and Pr:LuAG samples before irradiation is related to the crystal-growth technology and the impurity composition of the charge. An increase in the concentration of $F^+$ and Cr$^{4+}$ centers after $\gamma$-irradiation is caused by charging of neutral $F$ centers and changing of the electronic state (valence) of Cr$^{3+}$ impurity centers. Formation of antisite defect complexes Lu$^{3+}_{\mathrm{Al}}$–V$_{\mathrm{O}}$, which are responsible for a luminescence band at 335 nm, is suggested. The first broad peak at 340 K on the thermoluminescence curves of both samples after irradiation with a dose of 10$^3$ Gy is related to liberation of charge carriers from shallow trapping levels; thermal activation and radiative recombination with emitting centers begin at 310 K, which places the upper limit on the temperature range of application of these scintillation crystals.
Funding agency Grant number
Program of fundamental scientific research of the Republic of Uzbekistan ОТ-Ф2-09
Received: 10.01.2018
English version:
Optics and Spectroscopy, 2018, Volume 125, Issue 1, Pages 49–53
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0030400X18070147
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
Language: Russian
Citation: A. Kh. Islamov, E. M. Ibragimova, I. A. Khayitov, R. R. Vil'danov, M. Z. Amonov, “Color and luminescence centers in LuAG and LuAG : Pr crystals before and after $^{60}$Co $\gamma$-irradiation”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 125:1 (2018), 46–50; Optics and Spectroscopy, 125:1 (2018), 49–53
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by A.~Kh.~Islamov, E.~M.~Ibragimova, I.~A.~Khayitov, R.~R.~Vil'danov, M.~Z.~Amonov
\paper Color and luminescence centers in LuAG and LuAG : Pr crystals before and after $^{60}$Co $\gamma$-irradiation
\jour Optics and Spectroscopy
\yr 2018
\vol 125
\issue 1
\pages 46--50
\jour Optics and Spectroscopy
\yr 2018
\vol 125
\issue 1
\pages 49--53
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  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/os954
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