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Optics and Spectroscopy, 2019, Volume 126, Issue 2, Pages 231–236
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21883/OS.2019.02.47210.112-18
(Mi os792)

This article is cited in 2 scientific papers (total in 2 papers)

Applied optics

A two-stage probe atomizer for Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry with high-frequency modulation of radiation polarization

R. R. Khaibullina, D. S. Irisovab, O. B. Salikhovaa, Yu. A. Zakharova

a Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University
b Atzond, Kazan, Russia
Citations (2)
Abstract: A two-stage probe atomizer for direct analysis of samples that strongly smoke when evaporating (oil, food suspensions, etc.) by Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry with high-frequency modulation of the polarization of the transmission radiation has been proposed. The effective ventilation of the atomizer and independent heating of the tungsten probe in a strong magnetic field of the atomizer have been provided for sensitive detection of atomic absorption pulses without overlapping of the transmission beam by the probe. The performance of the atomizer has been illustrated on the MGA-915MD spectrometer by the behavior of the signals of the Ag and Al test elements depending on the heating modes, probe position, and diameter of the dosing hole of a graphite furnace. The range of concentrations to be determined has been extended by a factor of 50, while maintaining an error at a level that is acceptable for quantitative analysis.
Funding agency Grant number
Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises within the framework of the International Program ERA.Net RUS
British Petroleum 063100027
The work was supported by the Start Program of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere and grant 063100027 from BP.
Received: 20.04.2018
Revised: 14.09.2018
English version:
Optics and Spectroscopy, 2019, Volume 126, Issue 2, Pages 161–166
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0030400X19020140
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
Language: Russian
Citation: R. R. Khaibullin, D. S. Irisov, O. B. Salikhova, Yu. A. Zakharov, “A two-stage probe atomizer for Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry with high-frequency modulation of radiation polarization”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 126:2 (2019), 231–236; Optics and Spectroscopy, 126:2 (2019), 161–166
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by R.~R.~Khaibullin, D.~S.~Irisov, O.~B.~Salikhova, Yu.~A.~Zakharov
\paper A two-stage probe atomizer for Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry with high-frequency modulation of radiation polarization
\jour Optics and Spectroscopy
\yr 2019
\vol 126
\issue 2
\pages 231--236
\jour Optics and Spectroscopy
\yr 2019
\vol 126
\issue 2
\pages 161--166
Linking options:
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/os792
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/os/v126/i2/p231
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