This article is cited in 2 scientific papers (total in 2 papers)
Optics of low-dimensional structures, mesostructures, and metamaterials
IR spectroscopy of bidistilled and deuterium water under conditions of geometric limitation in glass nanopores
A. V. Bykov, Yu. V. Starokurov, A. M. Saletskii Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
The IR spectra of H$_2$O and D$_2$O were studied under the conditions of geometric restriction in nanoporous glass (PG) matrices with different pore sizes. It was found that with increasing pore size of PG in the region of 2 nm $<R<$ 6 nm there is a decrease in the proportion of water with a strong H bond and an increase in the proportion of water with a weak H bond of molecules. At $R>$ 6 nm, no change in the structure of geometrically bounded H$_2$O and D$_2$O is observed. While for D$_2$O the effect is smaller (because of the stronger connection of D – O compared to H – O). It has been shown that H$_2$O molecules, which form bonds with the pore surface, are mainly formed from hydrogen bond network molecules whose vibrations are not in phase, while for D$_2$O, such bonds with the surface are formed from hydrogen bond network molecules whose vibrations occur in phase.
bidystilled water, deuterium water, nanoporous glass, IR spectroscopy, vodorodnye connection.
Received: 23.08.2019 Revised: 23.08.2019 Accepted: 26.09.2019
A. V. Bykov, Yu. V. Starokurov, A. M. Saletskii, “IR spectroscopy of bidistilled and deuterium water under conditions of geometric limitation in glass nanopores”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:1 (2020), 118–121; Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:1 (2020), 114–118
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