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Optics and Spectroscopy, 2020, Volume 128, Issue 12, Pages 1842–1848
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21883/OS.2020.12.50319.181-20
(Mi os223)

This article is cited in 2 scientific papers (total in 2 papers)

Spectroscopy of condensed matter

Photophysical processes in molecules of halogenated fluorescein derivatives in anionic reverse micelles

O. I. Volkovaa, A. A. Kuleshovaa, B. N. Korvatovskiĭb, A. M. Saletskiia

a Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
b Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology
Full-text PDF (167 kB) Citations (2)
Abstract: We studied the photophysical processes of halogenated fluorescein derivatives (eosin (E), erythrosine (ER), and Rose Bengal (RB)) in aqueous micellar solutions using dynamic light scattering and stationary and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. The introduction of dye molecules into reverse AOT micelles causes an increase in their hydrodynamic radii $R_{h}$. The kinetics of fluorescence of the studied dye molecules in reverse micelles was investigated. The average time $\langle\tau\rangle$ of the excited state decreases with increasing $R_h$ for eosin, erythrosine, and Rose Bengal, which is associated with an increase in the mobility of water molecules and a weakening of the effect of geometric limitation of dye molecules. The degrees of fluorescence anisotropy $r$ of dye molecules in reverse micelles were measured; the $r$ values in micellar systems are greater than in aqueous solutions and decrease with increasing $R_{h}$. For the studied dye molecules in micellar systems, the rotational correlation time $\theta$ was determined, which decreases for all studied dyes with increasing $R_{h}$, which indicates a decrease in the microviscosity of a limited aqueous medium inside the micelle. It is found that $\theta_{\mathrm{E}}>\theta_{\mathrm{ER}}>\theta_{\mathrm{BR}}$; that is, the effect of the internal heavy atom appears in the value of the rotational correlation time.
Keywords: dyes, halogenated fluorescein derivatives, reverse micelles, dynamic light scattering, spectra, fluorescence anisotropy, average excited state lifetime, rotational correlation time.
Funding agency Grant number
Russian Foundation for Basic Research 19-32-90123
The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of a scientific project no. 19-32-90123.
Received: 24.06.2020
Revised: 31.08.2020
Accepted: 04.09.2020
English version:
Optics and Spectroscopy, 2020, Volume 128, Issue 12, Pages 1970–1977
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0030400X2012108X
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
Language: Russian
Citation: O. I. Volkova, A. A. Kuleshova, B. N. Korvatovskiǐ, A. M. Saletskii, “Photophysical processes in molecules of halogenated fluorescein derivatives in anionic reverse micelles”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:12 (2020), 1842–1848; Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:12 (2020), 1970–1977
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by O.~I.~Volkova, A.~A.~Kuleshova, B.~N.~Korvatovski{\v\i}, A.~M.~Saletskii
\paper Photophysical processes in molecules of halogenated fluorescein derivatives in anionic reverse micelles
\jour Optics and Spectroscopy
\yr 2020
\vol 128
\issue 12
\pages 1842--1848
\jour Optics and Spectroscopy
\yr 2020
\vol 128
\issue 12
\pages 1970--1977
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  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/os223
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/os/v128/i12/p1842
  • This publication is cited in the following 2 articles:
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