Informational and Analytic Centre "Ecology in Power Engineering" of MPEI, Russia
Address: Russia, 111250, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya, 14
Phone: +7 (495) 362-79-12
E-mail: ,
Number of persons: 2
Number of authors: 3
Number of publications: 1

Personnel: Vasil'ev, V I
Volkov, D V

Informational and Analytic Centre "Ecology in Power Engineering" of MPEI

Informational and Analytical Center "Ecology in Power Engineering" of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (IACEE MPEI) was formed in 1999 as a research department of the MPEI . Since 2006 IACEE MPEI is an affiliated member of the European Coal Combustion Products Association (ECOBA). The Head of IACEE MPEI - Putilov Viacheslav is an academician of Academy of Industrial Ecology, Laureat of the Polish Award on solution of a problem on ash and slag from power generation "Phoenix 2009" , a member of the coordination Council of the World-wide coal combustion products network.

Main directions of IACEE MPEI activity are the following:

solution of a problem on ash and slag from TPPs; issuing informational and analytic collections on ecology in power engineeing; holding scientific conferences and workshops on ecology in power engineering; creation and maintainance of web-sites on nature protection technologies in power engineering coal combustion by-products.

Centre of training and retraining of experts "Ecology in Power Engineering" of MPEI

Center of training and professional retraining of the MPEI "Ecology in Power Engineering" (CPPEE MPEI) was created in 1997 as a structural subdivision of Department of professional skill improvement of the MPEI teachers and experts and works on the basis of the accreditation documents and license of the MPEI. CPPEE MPEI deals with improvement of professional skill and professional retraining of power engineers on the basic specialities of Heat power engineering and Electric power engineering, working in power companies, fuel and energy complex, housing and communal services and other branches of the Russian economy. In the Center the following categories of listeners are being trained:

engineers and technicians of companies dealling with operation, design, adjustment and optimization of power equipment work; civil servants; students of the MPEI and other high schools, interested in getting a vocational education; dug-outs, interested in getting the second (civil) speciality; unemployed, interested in qualification change; other categories of listeners interested in improvement of their skills or retraining in the field of power engineering.

Teachers of CPPEE MPEI - Putilov V.Y., Prokhorov V.B. and Lyskov M.G. as representatives of MPEI group got the IV National ecological prize for 2007 in the nomination "Education for sustainable development" for development and implementation in the Moscow Power Engineering Institute for the first time in domestic practice of a permanent complex system of experts' training in the field of ecology in power engineering for high schools and postgraduate vocational education system. The prize is established by the State Duma of the RF and Foundation of V.I. Vernadsky.

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