Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Fisica E. Amaldi, Italy
Address: Italy, 00146, Rome, Via della Vasca Navale, 84
Phone: +39 (06) 551 77 11
Number of authors: 9
Number of publications: 8

Personnel: Biasco, Luca
Iucci, N
Latini, Danilo
Ragnisco, Orlando
Riglioni, Danilo
Satta, Giovanni
Villoresi, G
Zullo, Federico

Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Fisica E. Amaldi, ItalyThe Rome school of Physics has its origins and cultural roots in the historical, and in some respect legendary "Via Panisperna group" (from the name of street where the Institute of Physics was located before the building of the city Campus in 1935). The group, born around Enrico Fermi, included characters of the level of Rasetti, Segre, D'Agostino, Amaldi, Majorana, Pontecorvo. The Roma Tre University follows this cultural heritage also in the name of the Department of Physics, which is dedicated to Edoardo Amaldi.

The Department of Physics "E.Amaldi" is historically one of the first arosen at "RomaTRE", for voluntary transfer of a nucleus of 28 teachers from the University "La Sapienza". Actually the teaching staff is constituted by 13 full professors, 21 associate professors and 12 researchers; moreover it benefits of the technical-administrative support of 14 employees.

Today the physics research in Rome is present not only in the three public Universities but alsoin many laboratories established in the urban and suburban area: in Frascati the INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) Laboratories, dedicated mainly to High energy physics, and ENEA (National Foundation for Alternative Energies), with various activities of pure and applied research in different fields (from lasers to plasma physics); the CNR (National Research Council) laboratories of astrophysics, solid state physics, acoustic; the Astronomical Rome Observatory (OAR) with research sites at Monte Mario and Monte Porzio. At the Istituto Superiore di Sanita; (Superior Health Institute), in Regina Elena Avenue, research activities in biophysics and Medical Physics are present. The tight collaboration between the "Amaldi" Department and other national scientific institutions is demonstrated by the presence of sections of INFN, INFM (National Institute for the Physics of Matter), and CNR in the Department building. About 30 employee of these institutions, (researchers, technicians and administrative staff) work in the Department. Moreover, in the area of Rome several industries specialized in applied research are present, mainly in telecommunications, space physics, electronics and condensed matter physics (i.e. Alenia, Telespazio, Selenia). With many of these the Department keeps relationships of actve collaboration.


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