Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk, Ukraine
Address: Ukraine, 36601, Poltava, Pervomajskii prosp., 24
Phone: +38 (05322) 7 33 27
Number of persons: 9
Number of authors: 8
Number of publications: 12

Personnel: Gubreev, Gennady Mychaylovich
Iemets, Oleg Oleksiyovych
Klueva, Anastasiya
Levchuk, V N
Lukashenko, G V
Romanova, N G
Serebrov, Maxim Vitaleyvich
Solov'ev, Veniamin Vasil'evich
Valuiskaya, O A

Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk, UkrainePoltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk is a prominent higher educational establishment of Ukraine, which will celebrate its 75-year jubilee in autumn 2005.

Established on August 18, 1930 as the Institute of Agricultural Engineers, in 1961 it transforms into Civil Engineering Institute where specialists for 6 engineering directions, including agriculture, were trained. From the first days of Ukrainian independence, when economic transforming changes were being made, it became obvious that the region needed more and more specialists not only in civil engineering. That is why at the beginning of 90's scientific council of the Institute made a decision to reform the single-discipline educational establishment into the multiple-discipline technical university.

Since June 21, 1997 the University has proudly born the name of outstanding theorist in cosmonautics, Yuri Kondratyuk (Alexander Sharhey), whose name is mentioned together with such world famous cosmonautics science founders, as K.E. Tsiolkovsky, F.A. Zander, R.Kh. Hoddard, R.A. Sheno-Peltry, G. Obert. Having elaborated and substantiated ingenious proposals directed to the space assimilation for man's benefit, Yuri Kondratyuk also became an author of innovative, economically profitable projects of many civil constructions and wind farm. Some decisions to provide its reinforced concrete bar strength were used by Yuri Kondratyuk followers, M.V. Nikitin and B.O. Zlobin, when projecting and building Ostankino television tower in Moscow.

Taking into consideration the fact that the results of the University activity were recognized both in Ukraine and abroad, and the contribution it made to the national education and science development, the establishment was given "National" status according to the presidential edict.

Our scientists and teaching staff have created the well-known schools of thought in the field of reinforced concrete, wood, metal and plastic constructions, building machinery, foundations and bases that are successfully developing now.

Today the University has more than 7 thousand students. They receive fundamental and humanitarian knowledge with the help of the respectable teaching staff, comprising 450 people, 80 per cent of them have scientific degrees and titles.

Academic and laboratory resources of our educational establishment include 55 specialized educational scientific laboratories equipped with modern outfit, where students get knowledge in 28 specialties and specializations at 7 departments (Architectural Department, Civil Engineering Department, Department of Finance and Economics, Department of Economic and Informational Technologies and Management, Electric and Mechanic Department, Sanitary-Engineering Department, Extra-mural Department). More than 70 graduates study in 16 specialties at 20 chairs annually. There are also three specialized Academic Councils for defense of Ph.D. and doctoral theses.

Development of industrial enterprises in Poltava Region caused an increase in demand for specialists in different spheres. Responding to region's growing needs and fulfilling the Law of Ukraine "About Education", the University introduced such perspective specialties as "Oil and gas industry equipment", "Design and construction of the oil and gas industry complex", "Oil and gas extracting", "Automobiles and automobile economy", "Lifting-transport, building, road, meliorating machines and equipment", "Machine-building technology".

These new specialties produced demand for corresponding material and technical resources, which are constantly renewed and enlarged.

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Ukrainian independence, training-scientific oil and gas ground for laboratory and practical classes was put into operation. Now students have an opportunity to study the main methods of oil, gas and gas condensate extracting, which are modulated by means of four on-location wells and micro-processing equipment. It could only become possible with the support of regional and municipal authorities, lecturers' and students' participation.

Situated in the picturesque district of Poltava, University has nine academic buildings, comfortable campus with 5 hostels, which contain a canteen, an internet-club, a sanatorium for more than 1200 students to improve their health. There is also a sport camp in the pine forest on the picturesque banks of the Vorskla River near Poltava, which opens every summer to train sport elite of our educational establishment.

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