The Faculty of Information Technologies (FIT) was organized in the Novosibirsk State University (NSU) in 2000. The Faculty trains versatile specialists who possess both the fundamental university education and wide knowledge in the field of modern information technologies. Because of this the graduates of NSU have prestige at the labor market and are in great demand.
To maintain the high level of teaching that is traditional for NSU, the Faculty enlists the services of both the scientists of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) and specialists from the IT-companies that operate in Akademgorodok (Academy Town). Engagement of scientists makes it possible to maintain high level of basic university education. Engagement of specialists from IT-companies makes it possible to teach technical disciplines on the most up-to-date level and inculcate real practical skills to students.
An agreement with several IT-companies is reached according to which these companies institute scholarships for students of FIT for successes in studying and research work.
The specialization is carried out by graduating chairs — system of informatics, computer systems, general informatics, information-and-measurement systems, parallel computing, discrete analysis and operations research.
In agreement with modern educational standards, the following possibilities are provided: four-year training (the Bachelor Diploma is granted), five-year training (the Diploma of Specialist is granted), and six-year training (Magistracy). The Faculty has also post-graduate courses.
The Faculty of Information Technologies is ready to collaborate with foreign organizations and companies both in the field of training IT-specialists and in fulfillment of joint projects.