Karelian State Pedagogical University, Russia
Address: Russia, 185680, Petrozavodsk, Pushkinskaya st., 17
Phone: +7 (8142) 78 30 29
Number of persons: 3
Number of authors: 12
Number of publications: 11

Personnel: Gromakovskaya, Larisa Aleksandrovna
Ponomarev, Anatoly Ivanovich
Sobolev, Sergey Igorevich

Karelian State Pedagogical University, RussiaOpening of the Karelian State Pedagogical Institute in November of 1931 laid the foundation of the higher education in the Republic of Karelia. In 1996 the institute was granted the status of a university.

By the beginning of the XXI century it turned into a large educational and scientific institution, well-known in Russia and abroad. It is illustrated by the past and present achievements of the Karelian State Pedagogical University (KSPU), which are recognized and awarded with the Badge of Honour in 1981 and the Red Banner of the Russian Ministry of Education and in 1987.

For over 70 years of its history the KSPU has trained more than 30 000 specialists. 70% of the teachers in the Republic of Karelia are our graduates. Among them there are many Honoured Teachers, well-known both in Karelia and in Russia, politicians, actors, athletes, journalists and noted scientists.

The first enrollment at the Faculty of Physics and Math was 48 students. Currently over 5000 students are enrolled at the 9 Faculties o  the KSPU:

  1. Faculty of Foreign Languages,
  2. Faculty of Primary Education,
  3. Faculty of Geography,
  4. Faculty of Physics and Mathematics,
  5. Faculty of Technology,
  6. Faculty of Psychology,
  7. Faculty of Postgraduate Education,
  8. Faculty of Social Pedagogic,
  9. Faculty of Physical Culture.

The international reputation of the KSPU is defined by its connections with many universities of Great Britain, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, USA and Finland. The Chairs / Departments successfully participate in numerous international projects and programs, exchange students and faculty with foreign universities. Annually KSPU hosts various international scientific forums, conferences and seminars. The university was responsible for various international projects granted by the European Commission, Nordic Council of Ministers, Norwegian Barents Secretariat, SIDA, CIMO, Ford Foundation, Soros Foundation, Ford Foundation, and other donors.

The KSPU contribution to the Russian science is the following: 2 regional Dissertation Councils (Doctoral and Candidate of Science), up to 15 scientific conferences a year, publication (about 80 editions), tens of implemented grants, scientific works, monographs and manuals, approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, hundreds of articles in prestigious editions, student victories at different contests, collaboration with many universities, scientific centers and educational institutions.

Among the KSPU faculty members 62% hold advanced degrees, including over 11% of Doctors of Science, Professors, 8 people are Academicians of various Russian and foreign Academies of Science, over 110 faculty members hold the titles of Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation of the Republic of Karelia, Honoured Culture Worker of RF or RK, Honoured Physical Culture Worker of RF or RK, Honoured Higher Education Worker of Russia.

The KSPU has modern educational facilities: 120 specialized laboratories and studies, the Center of New Information Technologies, Educational TV laboratory, museums, library with half a million volumes, recreational facilities, modern hostels, scientific laboratories and the like.

The dynamic development of the KSPU is supported by the Government of the Republic of Karelia, which has approved and is implementing "KSPU program of Development for 2002-2006". The KSPU is facing new positive changes, connected with Russia's joining the Bologna process and with the programs of development and modernization of education in Russia, adopted by the Government of Russia. The university is ready to join the common European educational environment.

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