We obtain conditions for the convergence in the spaces Lp[0,1], 1⩽p<∞, of biorthogonal series of the form
the system {φn}n⩾0 of contractions and translations of a function φ. The proposed conditions are stated with regard to the fact that the functions belong to the space Lp of absolutely bundle-convergent Fourier–Haar series with norm
where (f,\chi_n), n=0,1,\dots, are the Fourier coefficients of a function f\in L^p[0,1] in the Haar system \{\chi_n\}_{n\ge 0}. In particular, we present conditions for the system \{\varphi_n\}_{n\ge 0} of contractions and translations of a function \varphi to be a basis for the spaces L^p[0,1] and \mathfrak L^p.
biorthogonal series, system of contractions and translations of a function, the space L^p[0,1], bundle convergence of Fourier–Haar series, Haar function, wavelet theory.
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