The authors Matsaev and Mogulskii identified a wide class of weak perturbations of a positive compact operator $H$ that have no nonzero eigenvalues, i.e., are Volterra operators. By a weak perturbation of a positive operator $H$ we mean an operator of the form $H(I+S)$, where $S$ is a compact operator such that $I+S$ is continuously invertible. On the other hand, these weak perturbations have a complete system of root vectors if the selfadjoint operator $H$ belongs to the von Neumann–Schatten class. In this paper, we consider compact operators $A$ that can be represented as the sum of two compact operators $A=C+T$ (i.e., $A$ is not necessarily a weak perturbation), where $C$ is a positive operator. In this paper, we prove theorems on the existence of nonzero eigenvalues for such operators. As is known, Cauchy problems for differential equations are, as a rule, well-posed Volterra problems. However, Hadamard's example shows that the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation is ill-posed. Up to now, not a single Volterra well-posed restriction or extension is known for an elliptic-type equation. Thus, the following question arises: "Does there exist a Volterra well-posed restriction of the maximal operator $\widehat{L}$ or a Volterra well-posed extension of the minimal operator $L_0$ generated by elliptic-type equations?" The abstract theorems on the existence of eigenvalues obtained here show that a wide class of well-posed restrictions of the maximal operator $\widehat{L}$ and a wide class of well-posed extensions of the minimal operator $L_0$ generated by elliptic-type equations cannot be Volterra operators. Moreover, in the two-dimensional case, it is proved that, for the Laplace operator, there are no well-posed Volterra restrictions and extensions at all.
perturbations, von Neumann–Schatten class, Laplace operator, maximal
(minimal) operator, Volterra operator, well-posed restrictions and
extensions, elliptic operator.
Funding agency
Grant number
Scientific Committee of Kazakhstan
This research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, grant no. BR20281002.
B. N. Biyarov, “Non-Volterra property of a class of compact operators”, Mat. Zametki, 116:5 (2024), 667–683; Math. Notes, 116:5 (2024), 920–933