The mathematical model describing strontium sorption by natural zeolite as geochemical barrier in case of a variable flow rate and two-phase kinetics is defined. The criterion, which fixes the model, is to fit calculations results to a 10% interval of the mean-square deviation of experimental data.
M. G. Tokmachev, N. A. Tikhonov, V. A. Nikashina, L. N. Bannykh, “Sorption process of toxic pollutions by natural zeolite as geochemical barrier”, Mat. Model., 22:5 (2010), 97–103; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 2:6 (2010), 733–737
This publication is cited in the following 5 articles:
Nikashina V.A., Serova I.B., Kats E.M., Tokmachev M.G., Toropchenova E.S., Zhilkina A.V., Kuz'mina T.G., Bulenova K., “Permeable Reactive Barriers Based on Natural Zeolites From Kazakhstan in Solving Ecological Problems: Mathematical Model and Simulation”, Geochem. Int., 55:1 (2017), 38–46
Alekseenko V.A., Maximovich N.G., Alekseenko A.V., “Geochemical Barriers For Soil Protection in Mining Areas”, Assessment, Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Influenced Soils, eds. Bech J., Bini C., Pashkevich M., Academic Press Ltd-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017, 255–274
Tsvetkova N.M., Tagunova Y.O., “Geochemical Barriers of Manganese Distribution in Edaphotopes of Dnieper Prysamarye”, Visnyk Dnipropetr. Univ.-Biol. Ecol., 23:1 (2015), 3–9
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A. I. Moshinskij, “The initial stage of mass transfer in a porous material with two types of pores”, Math. Models Comput. Simul., 5:6 (2013), 575–585