Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics, 2012, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 205–212
(Mi jsfu233)
The influence of nonmagnetic layer on undirectional anisotropy in trilayer system $\mathrm{Fe/Cu/CoO}$
Petr D. Kima, Gennady S. Patrina, Dmitry A. Marushchenkoa, Igor А. Turpanova, Ludmila A. Lib a L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
b Institute of Basic Training, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
This paper considers the dependence exchange bias on the thickness of the intermediate layer of copper and temperature in polycrystalline thin films ferromagnet/nonmagnetic metal/antiferromagnet ($\mathrm{Fe/Cu/CoO}$). We have revealed oscillatory of exchange bias value in depending on the thickness of the copper layer. The oscillation of the most clearly manifested in a certain range of temperatures. For the first time by us detected the oscillation of the exchange bias with increasing temperature, these oscillations occur with a change of sign of the field exchange interaction.
thin films, exchange interaction, unidirectional anisotropy.
Received: 18.09.2011 Received in revised form: 25.12.2011 Accepted: 10.01.2012
Petr D. Kim, Gennady S. Patrin, Dmitry A. Marushchenko, Igor А. Turpanov, Ludmila A. Li, “The influence of nonmagnetic layer on undirectional anisotropy in trilayer system $\mathrm{Fe/Cu/CoO}$”, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Math. Phys., 5:2 (2012), 205–212
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