The propagation of four coherently coupled steady-state spatial solitons in a thin left-handed film on a Kerr substrate which are formed by waveguide TE modes of the same type with positive and negative group velocities has been considered. The possible combinations of bright and dark solitons at a frequency near zero group velocity have been analyzed. It has been shown that a pair of counterpropagating bright solitons and a pair of counterpropagating dark solitons can simultaneously propagate at both positive and negative Kerr coefficient of the substrate. The characteristics of the formation of bright–dark soliton pairs caused by coherent coupling have been determined.
This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (leadership program for the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University).
R. Litvinov, N. Melikhova, “Coupled intramodal soliton beams in a thin left-handed film on a right-handed Kerr substrate”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 116:1 (2022), 20–24; JETP Letters, 116:1 (2022), 18–21