Vertical displacements of the peripheral regions of the current sheet with respect to its mean plane have been detected in the case of the sheet formation in the three-dimensional configuration with the X line and longitudinal component of the magnetic field. It has been shown that this effect is due to the generation of Hall currents and the appearance of vertically directed forces. Change in the sign of vertical displacements at the late stage of the sheet evolution has been detected, indicating the generation of opposite Hall currents when the direction of the main current near the side edges of the sheet changes. It has been shown that Hall currents significantly affect the structure of current sheets, and vertical oscillations of the peripheral regions of the current sheet, which appear owing to oppositely directed Hall currents, are involved in the dynamic processes in current sheets.
A. G. Frank, S. N. Satunin, “Vertical displacements of the current sheet and Hall currents”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 100:2 (2014), 83–88; JETP Letters, 100:2 (2014), 75–80