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University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences, 2020, Issue 4, Pages 80–118
(Mi ivpnz63)


A method for increasing the density of the mixer elements with underfrequency and the effect of material modification on the technological process

E. L. Pankratovab

a Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Nizhny Novgorod
b Lobachevski State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod
Abstract: Background. Currently, one of actual problems of solid-state electronic is increasing of performance of devices (diodes, field-effect and bipolar transistors…). To increase the performance it is attracted an interest to determine materials with higher values of charge carrier mobilities. Another problem is decreasing of dimentions of elements of integrated circuit is to form them in thin-film heterostructures. In this case, it is possible to use heterogeneity (multilayer) of the heterostructure and it is necessary to optimize the doping of electronic materials, as well as to develop epitaxial technology to improve of properties of these materials (including the analysis of missmatch-induced stresses). An alternative way to decrease of dimentions of integrated circuit elements is using laser and microwave types of annealing. Main aim of this paper is determination of possibility to decrease dimentions of field-effect transistors manufactured in multilayer structures framework of downconversion mixer circuit. The complimented purpose of this work is development of analytical approach for analysis of mass transport, which to takes into account the variation of parameters of considered process simultaneously in space and time, as well as the nonlinearity of the considered process.
Materials and methods. Introduced framework this paper analytical approach for analysis of mass transport, which to takes into account the variation of parameters of considered process simultaneously in space and time, as well as the nonlinearity of the considered process.
Results. We formulated conditions for decreasing of dimentions of field-effect transistors framework a downconversion mixer circuit and at the same time to increase their density. An analytical approach has been introduced for analysis of mass transport, which to takes into account the variation of parameters of considered process simultaneously in space and time, as well as the nonlinearity of the considered process
Conclusions. Dimentions' decreasing of field-effect transistors and increasing of their density could be obtained in a multilayer structure with a specific configuration and by optimization of annealing.
Keywords: downconversion mixer circuit, optimization of manufacturing, increasing of element integration rate.
Document Type: Article
UDC: 538.931
Language: Russian
Citation: E. L. Pankratov, “A method for increasing the density of the mixer elements with underfrequency and the effect of material modification on the technological process”, University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences, 2020, no. 4, 80–118
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by E.~L.~Pankratov
\paper A method for increasing the density of the mixer elements with underfrequency and the effect of material modification on the technological process
\jour University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences
\yr 2020
\issue 4
\pages 80--118
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