University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences
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University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences, 2014, Issue 4, Pages 176–188 (Mi ivpnz329)  


Kinetic properties of nonequilibrium systems and their relationship with equations of potential-streaming method

I. E. Starostina, S. P. Khalyutina, V. I. Bykovb

a Experimental workshop "NaukaSoft" Llc, Moscow
b Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Abstract: Background. In recent years it has been discovered more relatively simple examples (in physics, chemistry, biology) of spontaneous formation of disordered systems of spatial and temporal structures, i.e., self-organization in irreversible processes. The experience shows that self-organization is not a universal property of matter, and exists only in specific internal and external conditions, however, this property is not associated with any particular class of substances. The purpose of this paper is to examine physical and physico-chemical properties of non-equilibrium systems that determine the characteristics of these processes in these systems, including the formation of dissipative structures and processes of transition thereto, the relationship of these properties with the equations of the potential-streaming method developed earlier by the authors, and communication of the potential-streaming equations with modern non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Materials and methods. Consideration of the characteristics of the flow of non-equilibrium processes in nonequilibrium systems, their relationship with the physical and physico-chemical properties of these systems is based on a literary review of various non-equilibrium processes. Consideration of these properties' connection with the equations of the potential-streaming method is based on the articles devoted to this method, previously published by the authors. The connection of the potential-streaming equations with modern nonequilibrium thermodynamics is drawn on the basis of compariing the zero, first, second and third laws of thermodynamics with the potential-streaming method. Results. Based on the literary review of the features of non-equilibrium processes in various non-equilibrium systems in directions indicated by the second law of thermodynamics, it was concluded that these features are determined by the physical and physico-chemical properties of the system, called kinetical, which do not depend on the thermodynamic forces driving these non-equilibrium processes. It follows from the experimental data on a large number of equilibrium systems and kinetic theory. It is shown that the kinetic properties determine the matrix of susceptibilities of a non-equilibrium system, included in the potential-streaming equations, characterizing the susceptibility of the system to the thermodynamic forces. The presence of the kinetic properties of non-equilibrium systems does not follow from the zero, first, second and third laws of thermodynamics, and in fact is some supplementary provision to the zero, first, second and third law of thermodynamics - and the potential-streaming equations are a mathematical formulation of this provision. Conclusions. Special features of the non-equilibrium processes in the direction, indicated by the second law of thermodynamics, are determined by the kinetic properties of a non-equilibrium system, which do not depend on the thermodynamic forces in the system, and determine the matrix of susceptibilities of the potential-streaming equations. This is a position supplementing the zero, first, second and third law of thermodynamics. The potential-streaming equations are a mathematical formulation of this provision.
Keywords: self-organization, non-equilibrium system, dissipative structure, equations of the potential-streaming method, thermodynamics.
Document Type: Article
UDC: 536-12
Language: Russian
Citation: I. E. Starostin, S. P. Khalyutin, V. I. Bykov, “Kinetic properties of nonequilibrium systems and their relationship with equations of potential-streaming method”, University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences, 2014, no. 4, 176–188
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by I.~E.~Starostin, S.~P.~Khalyutin, V.~I.~Bykov
\paper Kinetic properties of nonequilibrium systems and their relationship with equations of potential-streaming method
\jour University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences
\yr 2014
\issue 4
\pages 176--188
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