About the generation of electric discharge in dielectric by photon flux
Yu. A. Volkov, F. N. Voronin, O. S. Kosarev, A. V. Ivanov, M. B. Markov, E. B. Savenkov, D. N. Sadovnichiy, I. A. Tarakanov
The development of an electric discharge during photon scattering in a dielectric material is considered. A preliminary mathematical model of the discharge process is presented. The model is based on a quantum kinetic equation for quasi-free charge carriers produced by bulk radiation effects and impact ionization. Equations are obtained for the concentration, drift current density, and gas temperature of quasi-free electrons. A test example is considered, confirming that the model does not contradict the known conditions for the formation of an electric discharge.
electron, dielectric, impact ionization, kinetic equation, vacancy, phonon.
Yu. A. Volkov, F. N. Voronin, O. S. Kosarev, A. V. Ivanov, M. B. Markov, E. B. Savenkov, D. N. Sadovnichiy, I. A. Tarakanov, “About the generation of electric discharge in dielectric by photon flux”, Keldysh Institute preprints, 2024, 057, 17 pp.
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