Research of the ionizing gas flows and the process of ionization of nitrogen in the channel of the quasi-steady plasma accelerator were carried out. The model is based on the modified MHD equations for a medium consisting of atoms, electrons and multiply charged ions. The numerical model includes the electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of a multicomponent medium, the energy loss for radiation, and a system of the ionization equilibrium equations in the presence of multiply charged ions with the different ionization multiplicities.
equations of magnetogasdynamics, ionizing gas flows, multiply charged ions, plasma accelerator.
A. N. Kozlov, V. S. Konovalov, “Investigation of the ionization process for nitrogen and formation of the multiply charged ions in the channel of plasma accelerator”, Keldysh Institute preprints, 2017, 100, 32 pp.
\by A.~N.~Kozlov, V.~S.~Konovalov
\paper Investigation of the ionization process for nitrogen and formation of the multiply charged ions in the channel of plasma accelerator
\jour Keldysh Institute preprints
\yr 2017
\papernumber 100
\totalpages 32
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This publication is cited in the following 3 articles:
V. S. Konovalov, “Issledovanie ustoichivosti protsessa ionizatsii geliya v kanale plazmennogo uskoritelya”, Preprinty IPM im. M. V. Keldysha, 2021, 108, 24 pp.
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