Quasi-gasdynamic algorithm for numerical solution of two-layer shallow water equations
T. G. Elizarova, A. V. Ivanov
Regularized form of two-layer shallow water equations is obtained based on quasi-gas-dynamic approach. For the numerical solution of the equations a finite-volume conditionally stable scheme is constructed and tested for a number of known one-dimensional flows. For comparison a simplified regularized two-layer system based on quasi-hydrodynamic approach is shown.
two-layer shallow water system, quasi-gas-dynamic approach, finite-volume method, central-difference scheme, one-dimensional flows.
T. G. Elizarova, A. V. Ivanov, “Quasi-gasdynamic algorithm for numerical solution of two-layer shallow water equations”, Keldysh Institute preprints, 2016, 069, 27 pp.
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