Preprints of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2001, 072
(Mi ipmp1124)
Recognition of the objects using data of Microrelief 3D-Detector (MDM-locator)
A. A. Ilyin, S. P. Nepobedimyi, M. Yu. Ovchinnikov, A. I. Rodionov, I. B. Shilov
Optical electronic device called “MDM-locator” (Monophotonic Detector of Microrelief) is considered. The device realizes technical active 3D-vision based on monophotonic techniques. The result of MDM-locator measurements is a number of points in 3D space belonging to the surface of visible objects. New device leads to necessity to develop new or modernization of the old approaches for pattern recognition problem solution. A new method to construct a teaching determinative two-level recognition system is proposed.
A. A. Ilyin, S. P. Nepobedimyi, M. Yu. Ovchinnikov, A. I. Rodionov, I. B. Shilov, “Recognition of the objects using data of Microrelief 3D-Detector (MDM-locator)”, Keldysh Institute preprints, 2001, 072
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/ipmp1124 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/ipmp/y2001/p72