Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennaya Matematika i ee Prilozheniya. Tematicheskie Obzory
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Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz.:

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Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennaya Matematika i ee Prilozheniya. Tematicheskie Obzory

«Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennaya Matematika i Ee Prilozheniya. Tematicheskie Obzory» («Progress in Science and Technology. Contemporary Mathematics and Its Applications. Thematic Surveys») is a scientific peer-reviewed journal published since 1995 by the Department of Scientific Information in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics of the Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VINITI RAS). The funder, scientific editor, and compiler of the journal is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor R. V. Gamkrelidze. Authors of the works published in the journal are famous domestic and foreign experts in various branches of pure and applied mathematics and young researchers taking their first steps in science. As many years of practice show, the publication enjoys great authority in Russia and abroad. Since 2016, the journal has been published in the electronic network form; all issues are in the open access. For all authors, publication is free.

The journal publishes research and review articles on all areas of modern mathematics: algebra, topology, number theory, mathematical logic, differential geometry, functional analysis, probability theory, real and complex analysis, asymptotic methods, ordinary differential equations and partial equations derivatives, mathematical physics, as well as on applied aspects of mathematics and its applications in the natural and technical sciences.

Russian version of the journal is published in the online electronic form on the websites of VINITI RAS, the All-Russian Mathematical Portal, and in the Electronic Scientific Library (see links above). All issues of the journal are abstracted and indexed by the following databases: “Referativnyi Zhurnal `Matematika’ (VINITI RAS), RSCI (eLibrary), Mathematical Reviews.

All issues of the journal are fully translated into English by Springer Nature in Journal of Mathematical Sciences which is abstracted in the SCOPUS database.

Manuscripts of articles and accompanying materials should be sent to the Editorial office by email

The required set of documents consists of article files (*.tex and *.pdf, as well as files with illustrations, if any). A printed version of the manuscript is not required. Sample files and detailed design instructions can be downloaded by the link.

After a preliminary review of the manuscript by the editorial board for compliance of the text with the subject of the journal and compliance with formal design rules, all manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review procedure (authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other) by leading Russian and foreign experts. Returning the manuscript to the author for revision does not mean that it has been accepted for publication. After receiving the revised text, the manuscript is again reviewed by the editorial board.

In accordance with the rules of ethics of scientific publications, the editors check the materials submitted by the authors for compliance with the rights to borrowed materials, the absence of plagiarism, and re-publication. If the authors have violated the rights of third parties: permission to use borrowed materials has not been obtained, facts of plagiarism, re-publication, etc. have been established, the work will be rejected by the editors.

It is mandatory to indicate a conflict of interest — any relationship or area of interest that could directly or indirectly affect your work or make it biased (in the absence of a conflict of interest, an explicit indication of this fact is required). Authors may provide information about grants and any other sources of financial support. Acknowledgments should be listed separately from funding sources.

Address: 125190, Moscow, Usievicha st., 20
Phone: +7 (499) 155-42-29, +7 (499) 155-44-19, +7 (499) 155-42-30
ISSN: 2782-4438 (online)
Founders: All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of Russian Academy of Sciences (VINITI)
Publisher: All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of Russian Academy of Sciences (VINITI)
Copyright: VINITI

English version: Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)

Editor in Chief
Gamkrelidze, Revaz Valer'yanovich

Editorial board of information publications of VINITI RAS in mathematics
Ovchinnikov, Aleksei Vital'evich, Deputy Editor in Chief
Krugova, Elena Pavlovna, Scientific Secretary of the Editorial Board
Agrachev, Andrei Alexandrovich
Arkhipova, Natalia Aleksandrovna
Aseev, Sergey Mironovich
Buchstaber, Victor Matveevich
Bukzhalev, Evgenii Evgen'evich
Chirskii, Vladimir Grigor'evich
Falaleev, Mihail Valentinovich
Guseva, Nadezhda Ivanovna
Kanel-Belov, Aleksei Yakovlevich
Khabibullin, Bulat Nurmievich
Korpusov, Maxim Olegovich
Lukyanenko, Dmitry Vitalyevich
Pentus, Mati Reinovich
Popov, Viktor Yuryevich
Popov, Vladimir Leonidovich
Sachkov, Yurii Leonidovich
Sarychev, Andrei Vasil'evich
Shamolin, Maxim Vladimirovich
Stepanov, Sergey Evgenevich
Tuganbaev, Askar
Voblyi, Vitalii Antonievich
Zelikin, Mikhail Il'ich

Editorial Board of the series "Modern Mathematics and Its Applications"
Agrachev, Andrei Alexandrovich
Kanel-Belov, Aleksei Yakovlevich
Korpusov, Maxim Olegovich
Lukyanenko, Dmitry Vitalyevich
Ovchinnikov, Aleksei Vital'evich
Popov, Vladimir Leonidovich
Sachkov, Yurii Leonidovich
Shamolin, Maxim Vladimirovich
Stepanov, Sergey Evgenevich
Tuganbaev, Askar

Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennaya Matematika i ee Prilozheniya. Tematicheskie Obzory Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennaya Matematika i ee Prilozheniya. Tematicheskie Obzory
Coverage: 1995–2024

Total publications: 1309
Scientific articles: 1295
Authors: 1258
Citations: 2447
Cited articles: 506

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