The paper presents the IACPaaS cloud platform used for creating intelligent services based on ontologies, as well as the conceptual ideas and architecture underlying its development. The main features of the supported technologies for creating intelligent services of various types are described as well as the experience of their use. The platform offers an evolved instrumental support for the development of all components of intelligent services. First of all, it was positioned as an environment for creating cloud systems with knowledge bases, and now it can be considered as a tool for software development based on ontologies with semantic (graph) representation.
ontology, cloud computing, intelligent system, problem solver, development technology, knowledge portal, knowledge base, IACPaaS.
V. V. Gribova, Ph. M. Moskalenko, V. A. Timchenko, E. A. Shalfeeva, “The IACPaaS platform for developing systems based on ontologies: a decade of use”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2022, no. 4, 55–65; Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 50:5 (2023), 406–413
\by V.~V.~Gribova, Ph.~M.~Moskalenko, V.~A.~Timchenko, E.~A.~Shalfeeva
\paper The IACPaaS platform for developing systems based on ontologies: a decade of use
\jour Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making
\yr 2022
\issue 4
\pages 55--65
\jour Scientific and Technical Information Processing
\yr 2023
\vol 50
\issue 5
\pages 406--413
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