Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2014, Issue 3, Pages 40–45
(Mi iipr363)
Cognitive studies
Processing of experience as a function of the Image of the World
N. V. Chudova Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences
The problem of links between the Image (Model) of the World, aggressiveness, and non-constructive processing of experience is considered. The obtained in our empirical research data show that hostility and psychological disadvantage associating via non-constructive experiencing. It is shown that the hostility and the hardiness are defined by two different models of the World and act as opponents one another. The hostile Image of the World based on an unconstructive thinking makes people intolerant to stress leading to certain narcissistic psychological problems. The hardiness in turn is based on a constructive thinking, primarily manifesting in readiness for the search activity providing the ability to handle stress, to cope with problems at the behavioral level, and not to transform ones to psychological.
image of the World, hostility, hardiness, constructive thinking, search activity.
N. V. Chudova, “Processing of experience as a function of the Image of the World”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2014, no. 3, 40–45
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/iipr363 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/iipr/y2014/i3/p40