Natural language processing
Fuzzy analysis method of style dynamics in poetic texts
S. N. Andreeva, V. V. Borisovb, K. P. Korshunovab a Smolensk State University, Smolensk, Russia
b The Branch of National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” in Smolensk
We propose the fuzzy analysis method of style dynamics in poetic texts. The method is based on determination of the most typical (the core) and the most remote from the canon (the periphery) poetic texts and analysis of the core/the periphery progression dynamics for poems of different periods. At the same time, the parameters that characterize the poems closeness to the respective core form a system with complex hierarchical structure. The system is based on the subsets of different kinds of features: morphological, syntactic and rhythmical, – and allows to take into account their compatibility. The proposed method application is based on the M.Y. Lermontov's poems analysis.
fuzzy analysis, hierarchical system of characteristics, fuzzy estimation (similarity) model, style dynamics.
S. N. Andreev, V. V. Borisov, K. P. Korshunova, “Fuzzy analysis method of style dynamics in poetic texts”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2018, no. 3, 78–90
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